Weight Training for Weight Loss – The Big Myth
Sometime it’s the worst weight training for weight loss myths that prevent you from attaining your best physique. Now that you have your workouts underway, it’s important that you make yourself aware of some of the biggest training myths that circulate around the industry, and that you side-step them at all costs. Many people make one or two small errors that end up completely throwing them off their game. Could you be making a critical mistake? Today we want to talk about one particular training mistake that is made time and time again. What is the mistake? Thinking you can out train your diet plan.
Let us explain:
The idea here is that you can work hard enough at weight training for weight loss your workout session that you can afford to not have to watch what you eat. Pizza? No problem – you’ll do a double session of cardio tomorrow. Ice cream sundaes? You have those covered – you put in an hour at the gym already today and have another extra hour scheduled tomorrow. A second slice of lasagna? Consider it your carb-up for tomorrow’s leg workout.
If any of this sounds familiar to you, it’s time to rework your thinking process.
Why It’s A Weight Training for Weight Loss Myth?
The problem with this is that one of three things will end up happening (or all three, if you’re really unlucky).
1. You’ll become injured
The minute you start trying to out train a bad diet is the minute you place excessive levels of stress and strain on your body. Often so much so that you simply can’t recover. Repetitive injuries will start to occur and you’ll have nagging pain nearly all the time.
2. You’ll become burnt out.
While putting in that extra hour at the gym may not seem like too big of an issue at first, do this week after week and soon you’ll feel like you’re living at the gym. Not only will this lead to you feeling psychologically burnt out, but most people simply don’t have enough time to make this a reality.
3.You’ll gain body fat.
Yes, you read that right. Most people underestimate how many calories they’re taking in with their food intake and overestimate how many calories they burn off while they exercise. So while you may think that there was 300 calories in that slice of cheesecake and that you burnt off 500 calories during your hour-long cardio workout (therefore you are coming out ahead!) the reality is that there could have been 600 calories in that cheesecake and you may have burned closer to 400 calories only.
Translation? Fat gain. If you do this often enough, it will add up over time and you’ll be packing on the weight.
What You Need To Do?
Going forward, realize that both diet and exercise are requirements for success. Only when you get both of these into the equation can you expect to move forward and see the results that you’re hoping for. So, ask yourself: Are you using exercise as a way to make up for poor food choices? If so, it’s time to change your approach.